Why are Kashmiri Hindus called Pandits?
This designation ‘Pandit’ Let’s go back to the era of Sultan Sikandar known to history as Butshikan, meaning, iconoclast. He was a religious fanatic, the like of whom would put any bigot to sha
This designation ‘Pandit’ Let’s go back to the era of Sultan Sikandar known to history as Butshikan, meaning, iconoclast. He was a religious fanatic, the like of whom would put any bigot to sha
This article is Primer on Shaivism in Kashmir. It will introduce you to Trika philosophy and Acharya Abhinavgupta who possessed all the 8 yogic powers.
If Nirguna Brahman is really genderless, then why it's shakti (maya) is considered feminine, while the non-shakti part is considered masculine? Doesn't that make IT an androgynous being?